Data Science

  1. Predicting body position of smartphone users based on accelerometer data. Decision trees, random forest, black box analysis, dato, graphlab create.

  2. What is the probability you’ll get a loan from Lending Club? Logistic regression, statsmodels, pandas, numpy.

  3. Weather analysis of major US cities. API calls, pandas, requests, sqlite, histograms, qq plots.

  4. Optimizing the amount and type of entrees to order for my wedding. python, pandas.

  5. Cross validation of Lending Club linear regression. pandas, statsmodels, scikit-learn, KFold.

  6. Predict class of flower based on sepal measurements. k nearest neighbors, graphlab create, pandas.

  7. How New Yorkers bike using the CitiBike public bike program. Time series data, pandas, matplotlib, sqlite.

  8. Document retrieval using Wikipedia data. Text analysis, vectors, nearest neighbors.

  9. Sentiment analysis of product reviews. Natural language processing, classification.

Web Development

I built the San Francisco Federal Executive Board website in 60 days, back when I worked for Uncle Sam. I no longer run the site so if there’s anything bad about it, it’s not my fault :) The site was built using WordPress.

I also am a subcontractor for a certain Bay Area company, working on an internal training website for them, which uses mostly PHP, HTML5, javascript, and jQuery.

Oh yeah, and I built this website.